Irisa Çupa from Albania

Irisa from Albania has finished her bachelor’s degree in political science,and her scientific master degree in Regional Studies in Tirana. She has been involved for 5 years in the Democratic Party of Albania, where she currently works as the assistant of the General Secretary of the Democratic of Albania *HQ. Besides that, she is a member and founder of the Union of the student’s council in Albania, an organization which is created to protect students rights and to be their voice in the public sphere. 

What does democracy mean to you?

For me democracy means freedom of the individual and freedom of the individual means protecting human rights. Democracy is about having the right to choose, the right to speak up, the right to live in a safe place and the right to build a good future for your country. Last but not least, democracy is the mirror where the society that uses its right to vote, reflects the level of wealth that the state is in.

How is democracy in your country? 

In 2022 it has been 32 years since the fall of one of the harshest dictatorships in Europe, the dictatorship of Enver Hoxha. Regarding that, my country is still experiencing a hybrid regime,and lately we have passed into flawn democracy which means we are trying to have free and fair elections but still we still have problems with corruption, media freedom and weak institutions. Mostly, it is a consequence of a country in transition. I believe that Albania has made some important steps towards gaining a strong democratic country but we still have a lot of challenges to face. 

What developments do you see that are shaping democracy, in a positive or negative way, in your country?

Positive: Our citizens are more determined of their right to protest. Protesting I believe that is a sign of an awakened society and only an awakened society can build a strong democracy. People are aware of the fact that if they do not stand up for their rights, no one else will. In my whole political career, I have been involved with protesting, I have even organized some protests and always participate in them. I protest for my parents, my future, and the future of my children, for the opportunities they will have,that I never had in Albania. 

Negative: The big lack of trust in politics especially from the youth. If we do not stand up for ourselves, nobody else will. It is easy to just point out our fingers and do nothing, but that will not fix anything. I believe that it is an obligation as a citizen to understand that if we do not get involved in some way into politics, we can not ask for good changes in our lives from people we do not trust.

What do you like about politics and what motivates you to work in politics?

What I like the most about politics is that it is very dynamic and you will always have something to do better. There is always a possibility  to start making a change and leaving an impact no matter how small it is. My motivation to work in politics consists of the huge impact that politics has in every aspect of human life. So, I know that if I want to see something better, I should get into the system to make it happen, not only for me, but for everyone who is involved.

Of which political achievement are you most proud? And what do you hope to achieve?

I am 25 years old and I have started my activism in politics by sticking posters and sharing the right values which I believe of the Democratic Party of Albania. I have been assisting in 2 national election campaigns and have met people all over the country. I have been into very important inside election processes of the party too and today I work as the assistant of the General Secretary. I might say I am still shaping my political background and I am building bridges for young people like me who are passionate and determined about bringing a change to their country. 

What I like to call as one of my most important political activism during the national elections is the door to door campaign. In a non measured time I have traveled in almost every city and village of my country and I have listened to real problems. I live in the capital of Albania but being involved in politics gave me the opportunity to see what are the changes that my country needs. 

Talking about a personal political achievement, I was one of the candidates listed for member of Parliament in Tirana region during the national elections held on April 25th , 2021. 

I hope to create opportunities for youth in Albania to live and work in their country. 800.000 youth have left my country during the last years.Through politics, by creating specific youth policies related to the labour market, I want to be able to contribute in making Albania a good place to live.

What kind of support would you, or other young people active in your country, need more?

The young people active in my country need to be more trusted.The filled quorum criteria about youth seats at the National Parliament are not a measure of the youth activism and trust. I believe that the active youth in Albania should be more in positions of decision making. To make it possible, Albania needs youths who are well prepared and determined to share the best model coming from strong democratic countries. This is why I believe that the youth in Albania should be more active in numbers but most importantly in quality.  

What is the added value of the training from organizations like the EFF to the political development of the youth in your country?

I have participated in the political training that EFF organizes and I must say I am one of the younger people in Albania to be considered lucky. I have been part of these training sessions and I see them as very important. It is a possibility to share thoughts and opportunities with other youths who live in different countries but with similar life challenges. I would like to see and appreciate if EFF makes an interesting exchange program for students and youths which includes exchange in some different types like : 

1.Study visit during the elections of a respective country

2.University programs

3.political trainings

What do you hope to see change in your country?

I hope to live in a country where we have human dignity, strong institutions, freedom of choice,equality and democracy most importantly, as the main priority for the next few years.I hope to live in a country where youth is valued and politics is a great way to make your country better. I think that it is very important for a nation to have their core values and know where they come from. I am very proud to be Albanian, but we must work with other countries for the same European future. I hope that we will have a great collaboration with countries, who have the same goals as us. We will walk towards the right path with democratic countries who also believe in EU values. 


Irisa Çupa, 2022






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