Over CDAV Internationaal

Voorzitter Willemien Koning over CDAV Internationaal

Doelen CDAV Internationaal

CDAV Internationaal is de internationale loot van het CDAV. Het CDAV Internationaal heeft als doel om vrouwenbelangen te behartigen in Europees en internationaal verband en internationale onderwerpen te benaderen vanuit een genderperspectief. Dit wordt gedaan door belangrijke onderwerpen op de agenda te zetten, activiteiten te organiseren en beleid en wetgeving actief te beïnvloeden. De leden van het CDAV Internationaal vertegenwoordigen ook op andere momenten het CDAV, zowel binnen als buiten de partij, waaronder de CDA Commissie Buitenland. Daarbij kiest het CDAV-Internationaal ieder jaar een aantal focusgebieden om zo echt impact te bereiken. 

Wat doet CDAV Internationaal?

  • Het actief signaleren en agenderen van onderwerpen die aandacht behoeven, zowel via de nationale partijlijnen (Tweede Kamer fractie) als via de Europese partijlijnen (CDA fractie Europees Parlement).
  • Het onderhouden van nauw contact met de EVP vrouwen; structureel via Hillie van der Streek, secretaris-generaal EVP-Vrouwen en een paar keer per jaar door deelname aan de EVP vrouwen conferenties. 
  • Het indienen van resoluties bij het CDA partijcongres. 
  • Het amenderen van resoluties bij de EVP-Vrouwen congressen. 
  • Het vroegtijdig signaleren van belangrijke dossiers op Europees gebied en het indienen van amendementen via de CDA fractie in Brussel op wetgevende en beleidsmatige dossiers binnen de bovengenoemde prioritaire thema’s waar het CDAV-Internationaal op inzet. 

CDAV Internationaal Bestuur

  • Willemien Koning, voorzitter CDAV Internationaal
  • Mariska Neefjes, secretaris
  • Jolanda Holwerda
  • Ester Versnel
  • Lycia Tuitel
  • Astrid Frey, adviseur
  • Hillie van de Streek, adviseur

Over EVP Vrouwen

EVP Vrouwen maakt deel uit van de Europese VolksPartij. Hille van de Streek is secretaris generaal van EVP Vrouwen. 

Zij houdt zich bezig met het versterken van de gelijkwaardigheid tussen mannen en vrouwen in het beleid van de EVP. 

Daarvoor dient zij resoluties in voor het tweejaarlijkse congres van de EVP. 

Resolutie 'Lessons to be learned from the Coronacrisis'

Approved by the EPP Political Assembly 1 February 2021

Resolution The Future of Europe: Lessons to be learnedfrom the Corona crisis 

The Future of Europe: Lessons to be learned from the Corona crisis
• Acknowledging that Europe since March 2020 has been hit by the biggest public health crisis in a century,
having unprecedented consequences for our societies and economies;
• being concerned that the impacts of COVID-19 will cause a backlash in the equality of women and
men, given the surge of gender-based violence, economic contraction, heightened risks of poverty and
over-dependence on women’s paid and unpaid care work;
The EPP calls on the following top priorities to be addressed:
1. Health
A. Whereas the pandemic has taught us how fragile our societies are and that health is a precondition
for our societies and economies to function;
B. Taking into account that the workforce in the health and care sectors is predominantly female and
that this gender divide put women at the frontline of fighting the pandemic;
C. Whereas as a consequence of the pandemic a delay or barriers arose in access to sexual and reproductive
healthcare, and whereas critical needs for women were postponed, including access to
maternity care and safe delivery, availability of contraception, legal abortion and IVF services, and
provisions for clinical management in the case of rape;
D. Whereas with regards to Covid-19 clinical trials, reports found that sex-disaggregated data were
E. Whereas healthcare systems differ across EU Member States and these differences can disproportionately
affect vulnerable individuals, linked to gender, age and educational or socioeconomic
1. Welcomes the initiative of European Commissioner Stella Kyriakides towards a European Health Union,
resulting in a more secure, better-prepared and more resilient EU in the area of health;
2. Calls upon all Member States to realize that access to health without discrimination is a fundamental
human right, implementing a.o. that all citizens, regardless of age or sex, have equal access to vaccination
and that access to sexual and reproductive health is preserved;
3. Calls upon the European Commission to guarantee that health research includes innovators of all genders
and that investigators and the pharmaceutical industry report disaggregated data at all levels;
4. Urges equal representation of women in all decision-making bodies and subsidy committees related
to the COVID-19 crisis and recovery instruments.
2. Domestic and gender based violence
F. Whereas reports from several Member States during and following the confinement period revealed
a worrying increase in domestic and gender-based violence and whereas violence is not a
private issue but a societal concern;
G. Whereas gender-based violence against women, children as well as men cannot be tolerated and
must be addressed in all its forms of abuse;
5. Urges the European Council and the European Parliament to uphold their commitments from 2019 to
combat all forms of violence, in particular gender-based violence, promoting its prevention and protecting
and supporting victims;
6. Urges the Member States to ratify and implement the Istanbul Convention, equipping the police with
the necessary skills and strengthening the judiciary system to add sexual violence to the list of EU
crimes defined in the Treaty of Lisbon and to establish an EU-network to fight sexual violence.
The Future of Europe: Lessons to be learned 02 from the Corona crisis
3. Recovery of our society and economy
H. Whereas the European Commission has allocated €750 billion to a Recovery and Resilience Fund
(RRF) to tackle the economic and social impacts of COVID-19 and drive the EU towards a green and
digital future;
I. Whereas the pandemic has convincingly demonstrated the importance of digital communication,
and its tremendous effect on the economy, the public sphere and also on our personal lives and
our relations with other people;
J. Whereas women’s access to the ICT sector is essential for the recovery of the European economy
and its innovative development to a green and digital future;
7. Calls upon the European Commission to ensure a gender perspective across all RRF funding areas
and adopt a gender budgeting lens across all programmes, including targeted objectives, indicators,
benchmarks and budgets;
8. Calls upon the EU and its Member States to ensure the active and consistent consultation with women’s
civil society organisations, to make sure that the reforms included in the Recovery and Resilience
Plans correspond to women’s experiences on the ground;
9. Reiterates the top priorities to be addressed in 2019-2024 of the Emergency Resolution ‘Female Visions
for a better Europe’ adopted at the EPP Congress in Zagreb in 2019;
4. Towards a gender inclusive economy
K. Whereas a majority of workers delivering essential services in the COVID-19 crisis are women, e.g.
in healthcare, child care and teaching;
L. Whereas wages in many essential and significantly female-dominated sectors can be low and
whereas vertical and horizontal labour market segregation in the EU is still significant;
M. Whereas families are the cornerstone of our society which requires that there is a balance between
employment life and private life;
10. Calls upon the EU and its Member States that the Recovery and Resilience Plans sufficiently need to
address those sectors where women are overrepresented;
11. Urges the Member States to effectively address gender pay and pension gaps, as economic indicators
suggest that these gaps are further widening as a consequence of the pandemic;
12. Gives its full support to the EPP Group Policy Proposals for an EU Carer’s Strategy;
13. Calls upon the European Commission to closely monitor the implementation of the EU Directive on
Work-life Balance for parents and carers in the Member States;
14. Urges the European Commission to develop a follow-up to the European Pillar of Social Rights.
Urges the EPP member parties to advocate within their national governments and parliamentary
groups for the realization of the above listed top priorities considering gender-related consequences
of the pandemic and its aftermath to be addressed.

Actief worden bij CDAV Internationaal?

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